1. LILAC appearances (in journals, blogs, press, media and awards)
2. Documents
Lease, Legal, and Community Agreements (Google drive)
The folder does not contain all of our community agreements as some are in the process of being reviewed.
These materials are copyrighted but are free to use if the following conditions are met: · They can only be used non-commercially, and · we require attribution if they are used. If you do choose to use any of our Community Agreements as a template for your own community, we recommend you still hold a full member decision-making process. We have learnt that the process of forming a community agreement is important both for gaining true consensus; and for reflecting the learning gained from personal lived experience.
Learning materials for explaining the MHOS financial model (Google drive)
Lilac Project Development Plan
Cooperatives UK MHOS rules (202o)
3. Research Findings
Lilac Report on Impact 2020 (updated July 2021)
4. Briefing Sheets
Low Impact – Affordability – Community
5. Further Reading about LILAC (see also ‘LILAC appearances’)
Fisher, J and Greenwood, L (2021) The Leeds Approach: Placemaking for Resilient Communities, SALUS
Chatterton (2013), Towards an agenda for post-carbon cities: lessons from Lilac, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Chatterton (2015), Low Impact Living A field guide to ecological affordable community building [Introduction chapter HERE]
Chatterton (2016), Building transitions to post-capitalist urban commons. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Co-housing Network: The Lilac Story
NewStart Magazine: Lilac, How They Did It
Preorg, MHOS and its Suitability for Small Coops
6.Photos (link to online album)
7. Youtube videos
6. Further Reading on Co-housing
The UK cohousing network is a useful membership organisation for emerging groups: www.cohousing.org.uk
Bamford, G. (2005) ‘(Co-housing for older people: housing innovation in the Netherlands and Denmark, Australasian Journal Ageing, 24:1, 44-6.
Bunker, S., Coates, C., Field, M., and How J (eds) (2011) Cohousing in Britain today, London: Diggers and Dreamers Publications.
Christian D.L. (2003) Creating a life together: Practical tools to grow ecovillages and intentional communities, Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
Commission on Co-operative and Mutual Housing (2009) Bringing democracy home, London: CCMH.
Dawson, J. (2006) Ecovillages: New frontiers for sustainability, Schumacher Briefings, Totnes: Green Books.
Durrett, C. and McCamant, K. (2011) Creating cohousing: Building sustainable communities, Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
Field, M. (2004) Thinking about cohousing: the creation of intentional neighbourhoods, London: Diggers and Dreamers Publications.
Jarvis H. (2011) ‘Saving space, sharing time: Integrated infrastructures of daily life in cohousing’, Environment and Planning A, 43: 3, 560-77.
McCamant, K. and Durrett, C. (1994) Cohousing: a contemporary approach to housing ourselves, 2nd edition, Berkeley: Ten Speed Press
Sargisson, L. (2007). ‘Imperfect utopias: Green intentional communities’, Ecopolitics, 1: 1, 1-24.
Sargisson, L (2012) ‘Second wave cohousing: a modern utopia?’, Utopian Studies, 21: 1, 28-57.
Scotthanson, C. and Scotthanson, K. (2005) The cohousing handbook. Building a place for community, Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
Woodin, T., Crook D., and Carpentier, V. (2010) Community and mutual ownership: A historical review. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.